About Us
Company profile

Company profile

Company nameKoyama Honke Shuzo Co., Ltd. Nada Hamafukutsurugura
Address 4-4-6 Uozaki-minamimachi, Higashinada-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo, 658-0025, Japan
Phone:078-411-8339 FAX:078-411-1091
EstablishedSeptember 2013
RepresentativeKeiichi Koyama, Representative Director and Chairperson
Head officeKoyama Honke Shuzo Co., Ltd.

Business description

Production and sale of sakes and liqueurs
*The Hamafukutsuru Ginjo Kobo, which is attached to the brewery, is a tourist spot where visitors can observe the entire process of sake brewing through a glass window, and also sells limited-edition sake and original goods directly.

Company history

  • Start of business 1808 in the Bunka era (1804-1818)

    The founder, Matabee Koyamaya (born in Hyogo Prefecture), after mastering brewing skills in Fushimi and Nada, established his own brewing business in Sashiogi in Saitama (formerly Omiya) City.
  • October 1963

    Establishment of Koyama Honke Shuzo Co., Ltd.
  • October 1989

    Fukutsuru Sake Brewing Co., Ltd. is acquired (President: Junzo Goda) and Fukutsuru Ltd. was established (President: Keiichi Koyama).
  • January 1995

    Complete destruction of the brewery in the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
  • January 1996

    The company name was changed to Hamafukutsuru Meijo K.K. and production was resumed.
  • March 1996

    Completely renovated into a modern brewery with a reinforced concrete structure. Reborn as a “brewery for sake brewing in all seasons that offers factory tours.”
  • September 2013

    The company was changed to “Koyama Honke Shuzou Nada Hamafukutsuru Kura Co., Ltd.”
Handling of Personal Information
On this website, we may ask customers to provide personal information when purchasing products or participating in questionnaires. When we ask customers to provide personal information, we will collect the information within the proper scope after clarifying the kind of information customers should provide.
The personal information collected from customers is strictly managed and stored to prevent leakage to third parties and will not be disclosed or provided to third parties without the consent of the customer. However, the preceding sentence does not apply in cases where there is a legitimate reason based on laws and regulations.
The Manager’s License for the Sale of Liquor
Name and Address of Shop Koyama Honke Shuzo Co., Ltd. Nada Hamafukutsurugura
4-4-6 Uozaki-minamimachi, Higashinada-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo
Name of the Liquor Manager Cho Kaicho
Date of the Alcoholic Beverage Sales Management TrainingFebruary 26, 2025
Date of Next TrainingFebruary 25, 2028
Name of Training AssociationHyogo Prefecture Retail Liquor Sales Association